
Goodwill employee discovers $42,000 in donated sweater and returns it…

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It’s not uncommon for Andrea Lessing to find unique treasures when sorting through donations at the Oklahoma Goodwill store she works.

In 2021, in the middle of Covid when she was feeling the financial pinch, Lessing found something wrapped between two donated sweaters that could have changed her life.

When faced with the moral quandary of rewarding herself and her young daughter, or doing the right thing, Lessing didn’t think twice.

Later she ended up on the Kelly Clarkson Show, sharing her story of what she found and what she did.

Keep reading to find out more about this inspiring young Goodwill worker!

Living up to the good will of the store she works, an Oklahoma Goodwill employee showed some kindness when she discovered a load of cash tucked between newly donated sweaters.

Lessing was sorting through a pile of donations at the Norman Goodwill location when she unwrapped the clothing from what she said felt like books.

But instead, she was shocked to find stacks of cash, amounting to $42,000, the largest cash finds at any Goodwill location internationally.

“My first thought was that it was fake. We’ve seen $5 and $20 donated here and there, but never in my life had I seen that much money,” Lessing said.

Posted by Andrea Lessing on Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The young mother didn’t think twice about reporting the money and Goodwill was able to track down the owner with documentation of donors.

Admitted to feeling the pull of the cash, Lessing said it was more important to be a good role model to her now 8-year-old daughter.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m human. Naturally the thought crosses your mind like ‘I just found $42,000, I could get this, this, and this.’” Lessing continued, “I can’t tell my daughter ‘you need to make good choices’ as I myself am not making good choices.”

Lessing explained that she wants to be a positive influence, who demonstrates compassion and honesty, to her young girl.

“With every decision I make, I have to think about whether I would want my daughter to follow in my footsteps,” Lessing said. “I want her to know that kindness, integrity, and honesty can get you a lot of places in life.”

Responding to the story on Facebook, netizens praised Lessing for her kindness. “Wonderful when people are honest and do not take advantage!” writes one while another shares, “Good samaritan for sure. Someone with such a good soul, is not so common anymore.”

A third person comments, “Amazing person I hope she is rewarded for her honesty.”

A firm believer in karma, Lessing’s good deed was rewarded.

The owner of the lost cash–a 30-year veteran who just lost his wife–was so grateful for Lessing’s honesty and asked Goodwill to give her $1,000 of the money, generosity that she said “lifted a huge burden.”

“Because of everything that’s been going on within the past year and a half, it just meant more than anyone could imagine,” Lessing said. “I didn’t return the money expecting a reward or expecting to be on the news, I just believe if you do something good, it will come back to you eventually. And it did.”

But that wasn’t her only reward. In addition to being honored by the thrift store, a non-profit that relies on donations from the public, Lessing also captured the attention of Kelly Clarkson.

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