
This 93-year-old has the most heartwarming hobby: crafting dog beds so shelter pups have a cozy place to sleep

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Koha e leximit: 2 min.

Shelter animals need all the love they can get, and it’s always inspiring to see the creative and unique ways people use their talents to help these animals.

Like one senior woman, who spends her spare time crafting cozy dog beds for animal shelters.

Joan Potters is a 93-year-old woman from San Antonio. Like many seniors, she’s taken up crafts as a hobby, but her creations go a long way in giving homeless dogs a nice place to lay their head.

According to KSAT, Joan has transformed her room into a sewing workshop where, using fabric left over from the Greater San Antonio Quilting Guild, she’s hard at work making dog beds which she donates to local shelters, such as the San Antonio Humane Society and the Paul Jolly Center.

Not every shelter can afford nice beds for all their animals, and most kennels aren’t very well-furnished, so Joan’s donations ensure that dogs have a cozy place to curl up while they wait for their forever home.

“I just am happy to do it for them and to know that some dog is going to be comfortable,” Joan told KSAT. “It makes me feel so good to know that they’re not going to be laying on cement or a hard floor or in the winter.”

In addition to the donated fabric scraps, Joan gets help with some of the sewing and the deliveries from missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ. She donates around 30-40 dog beds a month.

It’s hard work at her age, and Joan, a lifelong dog owner herself, takes extra care to make sure each dog bed is safe and just right. For her, it’s worth it to know that these sweet dogs will have a bed of their own.

“You know their bones ache, too. You know they have feelings. They can’t talk to us in our language, but look at their eyes and the expression on their face. They all have expressions and I just love them.”

What a sweet thing to do for these sweet dogs! They will have their own cozy beds thanks to Joan’s kind heart ❤️

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