
She’s 63 and only aging backwards – “people think I’m still in my 20s”

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Coming to terms with the fact that our appearances evolve over time is an irrefutable part of life.

Getting older inevitably  means that our bodies change, and sometimes in ways that we don’t necessarily want them to. In an ideal world, we’d all stay young and fresh and healthy for the duration of our lives, no matter how long they might be. Last I checked, though, we don’t exist in an ideal world, we exist in the real one.

No, as the years pass it’s common for things like our eyesight and hearing to worsen, our hair to turn gray, our skin to sag and wrinkle, our muscles to weaken. Put simply, we leave our youth behind and are forced to accept that we might just be leaving our primes behind as part of the bargain – there’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be a just a tiny, little bit envious of those people who’s looks seem to defy Father Time.

A mother from California known as Gym Tan has amassed quite the following on social media for her astonishing appearance at the age of 63.

A self-confessed fitness fanatic, she regularly posts to TikTok, wowing her followers with her unrelenting attitude towards keeping her body in the best possible state.

In one recent video, Gym Tan stated her belief that she’s aging like a fine wine, saying: “I said before that I actually think I look younger this year than I did last year.”

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